“Some individuals may perceive their losing fight with gravity as a sharp pain in their back, others the unflattering contour of their body, others as constant fatigue, yet others as unrelentingly threatening environment.  Those over forty may call it old age.  And yet all these signals may be pointing to a single problem so prominent in their own structure, as well as others, that it has been ignored: they are off balance, they are at war with gravity.” ~ Ida Rolf

In the broadest sense, I see myself as a facilitator, or a catalyst for change – for personal healing as well as cultural and collective transformation. My work with individuals and groups is primarily though the support of bodywork and education, and I hold a passion for broadening perspectives and making connections in a way that awakens larger shifts in the world.

People usually arrive to my private practice because something hurts. Usually some sort of physical pain from injury or postural imbalance is the motivating factor. They want to address the discomfort of being in their body. Often it has become chronic, and they’ve not been able to resolve it otherwise.

Yet people also come for other reasons. Sometimes it’s more psycho-emotionally based, or because something’s “just not feeling quite right”. Whatever the case, they seem to be following a drive towards health. People want to feel better, more whole, and be more resilient on all levels. They want to be free from restrictions and inspired to live their best life.

A mentor of mine, Alex Jade, once said, “What I want most, is to gift people their own bodies”. To experience life with ease and to fit in the comfort of our own skin is a blessing. The return to what I would call our body-wisdom intelligence is truly a gift. Expanding that consciousness to further include our relationship to the world around us in an awakened sensual state is even more wondrous. There is something simply ordinary and at the same time deeply sacred about all of it. But too often, things are in our way.

The perspectives I’ve been influenced by primarily are Structural Integration principles - including ScarWork and BoneWork, and Craniosacral methods - particularly those approaches within the Biodynamic realm.

For more information about my formal educational background, areas of interest, and life-long studies, please view my bio and credentials, or read about the journey along my career path.